
Some Class Specific Notes
I'm not going to go through 'And this is double strike, it stuns you for x time and y damage...'. Here are some effective uses tips and combos.


SS melee is based on either backing up with 2 swings or hitting the side with 2 swing block combinations. It is particularly good against the slower savage. Don't try standing back in a pure range battle with a full HP savage; you'll lose, especially if they have their heal aura on.
ShapeShifter の近接攻撃は背後から/側面からの2回攻撃+防御が基本です。これは特に動きの遅いSavageに対して有効です。HP満タンのSavageに対して飛び道具の応酬になるような距離で戦うのは止めましょう。彼らのスキルによる回復効果でこちらが先に負けます。

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